What's the first thing you do once you get to work?
By the first, I mean after you have grabbed your coffee, pangsai-ed, sat down at your
desk, turned on your computer and is ready to start to look busy for the day....You would log on to MSN, of course! hey, it's a pretty effective way to get daily updates on the goings-on in the world sometimes.... :) that... and facebook lar...
My sister's status on msn that day read, "cutest google logo today"...
Of course, curiosity got the better of me, so I jumped onto google.com to check out what she was referring to... and you just can't help but feel cutesied out by this:

"Hello Goo-gie Munsterrrr!!!"
From the little bit of time I spent checking out what it was all about (had to actually start some work, u know :P), this special Cookie Monster google doodle was in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street!
Wow it's been 40 years!!!
Who doesn't love Sesame Street? It's supposed to be the longest running children's show on television!
Here's the article on celebration of the 40th anniversary, so I won't be repeating the stuff on it:
It's also the place where I got the rest of the Sesame Street google doodles... They looked so cute, I just couldn't resist but save them all to decorate my very boring, wordy blog :). I think I wanna buy all the soft toys to put in my kids' nursery next time..! So here they all are:

Maybe will just print them all out, just for fun.. they're so colorful!
(hope am not infringing any copyrights or anything... I give full credits to Google... so please please please let me keep this post up!!)
eh! how come we missed so many on google!
the characters we don't know, were specials posted in some countries.... check out the linked article! :)
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