Thursday, March 31, 2011

Toothless Thursday?


am clueless... had no idea how to title this blog post.... and was thinking of something along the lines of Wordless Wednesday....

So, I still have all my teeth... well those that should be there anyways *grins*

Finally did it - signed up for a full marathon, come June this year, at the KL Standard Chartered Marathon. OMG - not sure what am getting myself into.... nevertheless, got ourselves some sort of a training schedule drawn up for the next 13 weeks till race day. Have been talking about doing the full marathon for a long time now. Plus there are so many other people out there who just seem to have the guts to sign up for a full marathon, so why am I so scared?


Anyhoo, according to my marathon training schedule - this morning was supposed to be a 10km easy run around the area. I suppose I should log it as a tempo run. Although my area is rather hilly, so was it a hill interval run? Anyhoo, to get 10 clicks, we had to do 5 laps, but we ended up only doing 4 and walking the last one. My left knee seemed ok but during the 4th round, it seemed to be tightening up, but not quite hurting. Just tight. grrrr... Nearing the end of the 4th round, sis said she couldn't do that last lap cause she was feeling out of breath (probably because she was still nursing a cold), so we ended just walking the last round.

And now we get to my real inspiration for this post:

Couldn't find the Meiji koala bears filled with choc cream to go with my morning coffee, so settled for the Meiji Pucca choco pretzels. There were actually two shapes in the packet - one that looks like a pacman sotong thing (on the right of the right photo) and the other that looks like the ones pictured on the front of the box. Tasted yummy! :) I Meiji! 

And this was at the aisle with all the other Glico stuff, so couldn't resist and bought the cheapest Glico Rocky box: 

I better stick to the marathon training schedule, otherwise am going to end up a fatty by June! 

Tomorrow: some speed training. 

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