Thursday, March 10, 2011

Make up!

Ran out of it!


Go out bare faced - NEVER! Not since, I dunno, more than 10 yrs ago? or more?! ok, got lar.. but like very very rare occassions.. maybe when am really sick and need to go to the doctor's. or its like after an exercise session and i've showered and i am dashing out to buy something REAL quick.

And the stuff i ran out of is stuff to cover the face, not eye shadow or blush lar - can do without those.

What do I do? Scrap the bottom of the barrel with a cotton bud... only managed to get out enough to cover half my nose. Sheeeettttssss.... how? slap on a bit more concealer and dig out the old compact powder (which makes me look white as ghost) for a bit more coverage.

Need more diversion - ok, put on some eye makeup to divert attention to the eyes and away from the blotchily covered face.

Check mirror - okay lar. Looks decent enough - black rings around the eyes and freckles covered. Set!

After lunch at Yuzu @ the Gardens, quickly dashed to Robinson's to check out the make up they have. I've not used much Shu Uemura makeup. So far only their concealer which is really light and not drying - compared to the MAC wan, which I blame for the line under my eye :( . Also have their eye shadow in powder and cream form. Love the cream eye shadow, really makes the powder color stay on. Or just use the cream for nice enough natural look.

Ok ok, so here are some photos of the semi makeover experience at the Shu counter. Lady was nice, patient and pretty good with the color recommendations. I like! Felt so pretty after. Face looks brighter, and I feel/look more awake!

me waiting for the lady to get all the stuff ready for me makeover

the whitefficient range of skincare she used - nice! 
face felt smooth even after I washed everything off later in the evening. 

RM400 + RM30 rebate voucher later. 
Got the travel sized whitefficient range because I spent more than RM350 
and the nite cream because I spent more than RM400! 

Loving it so far. Feels light. Managed to replicate what the lady did for me. Will only start using the eyebrow pencil after I'm done using my own wan. The mouse feels nice and light. She said you could just use that, cover up with a bit of concealer on the particular spots and then top off with loose powder. But I don't think it'll be enough coverage. Anyhoo, the powder foundation has SPF too - so all good. 

Addicted to Shu Uemura now :)

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